Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chest Infection Diagram

The Spring Festival - The evening and the awards

The festival begins with a plaque of thanks for the promotion in Serie A, Parma Calcio, withdrew from the Honorary President Alberto Guareschi, and delivered by Ivo Cocconi.

Our Gianfranco Bell unveils the winner of this year's Golden Tardini, Massimo Barbuti Its performance as a striker in the history of race are part of the team and fans. The same Ivo Cocconi, our President, gives him the most important recognition of the evening.

Tardini For the Silver 2009 was awarded a character, Gianfranco MIGLIAZZA, part of 25-year history of Parma, lived as Team Manager, moments that bad , always with the team, and has always been marked by cordiality and respect for all. The award was presented to him the Councillor for Sports of the City of Parma, Roberto Ghiretti.

Subsequently, the Targa Dante Boni, awarded annually to young emerging more in the youth of Parma, was submitted to the unforgettable "bomber" Alessandro Melli, which still falls in the field, but only on the bench, as Team Manager, and performs its task very well.
The young man named Niccolo Galli (currently on loan at Pergocrema) wish him a bright future in the professional leagues.

include an awards ceremony and the other, while all of the dishes tasted the lovely Roman restaurant, our friend Henry Maletti we recited a few poems in dialect parmesan, written by Bruno Pedraneschi, father of the President of the Parma nineties, Giorgio, "La Maja Crozäda" and "when the fans fans the technique, and both are still relevant today. This has welcomed even more in the evening.
We thank him very much.

was then given a recognition Claudio Designs, Parma massager for years, the National Male, and currently, of the female. The award was presented by the Foundation's Board of Banca Monte Parma, Arturo Balestrieri.

Surprisingly, we hoped, Francesco Guidolin has arrived, greeted with enthusiasm and applause. "Captured" by Bell, was interviewed on topics interessanti, introdotti col solito stile da Gianfranco; ha dimostrato cordialità, disponibilità e una ferma volontà di una crescita progressiva della squadra in serie A.
Si è reso anche disponibile ad effettuare alcune premiazioni (Torresani, Toscani e Bonci, per la promozione in serie B nel campionato 1978/79), e a farsi fotografare con alcuni ex (vedi sotto con Algiso Toscani).

A un certo punto Maletti ha tirato fuori un’altra poesia di Pedraneschi, “Al Cicloamatór”, con la quale lo ha stuzzicato, sulle sue “note” cycling capacity.
He was at the game nicely, thus contributing to the success of the evening.

Giorgio Orlandini honored former players then some of "his" Parma, which he strongly desired, for the survival of football in Parma, thereby promoting in series C, in the 1968/69 season (Gianni Avanzini, Gianni Corti, Govi \u200b\u200bClaudio Giuliano Mutti, Alexander and Aldo Romani Silvagni).

In addition we wanted to give a well-deserved recognition at Gianni oil for over a hundred have played games with the team Ex Gialloblu in the Masters National Championship Futsal for "over 35. The plaque was given to him by former President Hermes Leaf.

football history was born in Parma in 1913. Aldo Curti and Gianfranco Bella have published three books that tell the various leagues and many significant events and details: promotion, relegation, play-offs, training and final ranking (from the first season in Serie A and immediate relegation to Serie C, the first promotion in series B 1953/54, at Lodo Pasquale, historians play-off with Udinese and Triestina, and so on, until the promotion to Serie A 1989/90). Imagine the work of collecting information and photos to document the story.

Most of the images that you enter are part of the photographic archive of photos Carra, we thank you for your availability.

At the end of the Executive Council with the photo Massimo Barbuti:
standing from left Saccani Claudio, Gianni Corti , Ivo Cocconi, Vincenzo Vernizzi, Maurizio Masi, Pietro Giuberti, Gianfranco Bellè, Marzio Bertolini, Giuliano Talignani
seduti Giorgio Toscani,Giampiero Convalle, Giordano Foglia, Corrado Marvasi (manca Alberto Michelotti).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Inherited Ira Rules 2009

May 22, 2009 - Spring Festival

Quest’anno il Tardini d’Oro è stato assegnato a Massimo Barbuti , l’attaccante degli anni ottanta più amato dalla tifoseria del tempo (le sue corse, dopo ogni goal, fino ad aggrapparsi alla rete di recinzione della curva Nord facevano esplodere l’entusiasmo di tutti i presenti).
Durante la serata ci sono state altre importanti premiazioni e riconoscimenti che verranno descritte appena in possesso della documentazione fotografica attinente.
Nella fase iniziale c’è stato un attimo di tensione e di preoccupazione, in quanto uno dei soci ha avuto un malore e si è dovuto fare intervenire l’Assistenza Pubblica; per fortuna tutto si è risolto favorevolmente e abbiamo proseguito, tranquillizzati dalla notizia.
Cosa che, purtroppo, non occurred on Saturday afternoon during the game with Vicenza, Veneto when a young fan of 19 years, Eugene Bortolon, fell from the top of the grandstand reserved for visiting fans, was urgently admitted to the Ospedale Maggiore, and, unfortunately, despite the efforts of the doctors intervened, died during the night.
We express our deep sorrow and great grief to the family, a loss so painful.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gestation Period Of Ringworm



was 1995, when between a group of friends, former players of Parma "of yesteryear, it was decided to give a continuous basis and a more structured approach to meetings between former friendly, which, from time to time, were organized on the initiative of the willing.
From the initial chat, he passed an early draft of the project: to build a partnership (with statutory definition and program activities) consists of the former Parma Calcio. The core promoter
expounded the idea to the President of Parma, Giorgio Pedraneschi, which gave its approval to undertake the representation and costs of organizing an event (very thick) for the launch.
Patrol willing make an inventory of the former, activated the network of all counted and the logistics planning and direction of what was to be a "great game". So
, March 4, 1995, during the "Revival Gialloblù" (which marked the birthday of the Club) was allocated from Parma Calcio, before the highest city officials and sportsmen national level, a medal ' Gold gratitude to all who had formerly played in the first team (even one game).
The event - a successful and memorable - it was reported, with extensive facilities and notes of praise from local media and by all the national sports press.
Da quel giorno il “campionato” del Club si è espresso nel segno del valore dell’Amicizia nello Sport, attraverso impegno volontaristico, iniziative sociali (sportive e di solidarietà), alla continua ricerca di contatti amichevoli nuovi e di consolidamento dei già esistenti.
Nel 2004 il Club ha avuto l’onore di ricevere l’invito, da parte del Barcellona Calcio, ad aderire (come unica rappresentanza italiana) ad un progetto (peraltro a tutt’oggi non realizzato) di costituzione di una Federazione Europea di ex calciatori, sotto l’egida della UEFA.
Attualmente il Club conta 210 soci (tra ex dirigenti, tecnici, calciatori e selezionati supporters)

I soci fondatori

In alto a sinistra Pier Leonardo Frambatti, Ivo Cocconi, Galliano Grolli, Pietro Giuberti, Giordano Foglia
In basso Gianfranco Bellè, Giampiero Convalle, Giuliano Talignani, Aldo Monardi, Vincenzo Vernizzi(mancano nella foto Mauro Masi e Vincenzo Vernizzi)

The Board

Ivo Cocconi (President - 308 league games), Marzio Bertolini, Gianfranco Bell, Giampiero valleys, Gianni Corti, Jordan Leaf, Peter Juba, Marvin Conrad, Mauro Masi, Alberto Michelotti, Sandro Romani, Claudio Saccani, Talignani Giuliano, Giorgio Toscani.

activities be in


A ssemblea convivial Year: in May "Spring Luncheon" with the prize "Tardini Golden of " Tardini silver " of Targa Dante Boni ". Also delivering to former players of the mesh cross, with the number of personal role, and awards to people involved in the history of Parma.

D onazioni to charities or support.

A adoption at a distance of a Brazilian child (through Caritas in Parma).

C oncreta attention to the member, if a situation of particular need.

Tardini GOLDEN

1996 Čestmír VYCPALEK

Giocatore / Allenatore

1997 Callisto Tanzi



1999 ERNESTO Ceresin President

2000 NEVIO SCALE Coach

2001 ARRIGO BAGS Coach







2008 ERMES LEAF President


Tardini SILVER



2001 Algis TUSCAN


2003 ALDO Monard


2005 CLAUDIO Azzali


2007 ALDO Silvagni







2001 Francesco Boccia




2005 DANIELE Dessen



2008 Pietro Lorenzini



1995 Gino LUCCHINI

1996 Stefano Tanzi

1997 Joseph Toffoloni

1998 Team over 35

2001 Francesco Bertolotti

2003 team camp. 72-73 (promotion B)

2006 Gideon CARMIGNANI

2007 Tommaso Ghirardi

2009 Claudio MODELS

activities and / or sporting events


The party for the establishment of the Club was a success: we have, in addition to players, coaches and executives of many years of Parma (and Among these, high-level characters), major representatives of institutions of Parma and Parma sports journalists and national levels.

The participation of former players of Parma was large and enthusiastic, it was really great to see with what joy is found and recognized, after so many years, teammates of the past. It was not necessary to allocate seats in the various tables: individually formed to the satisfaction of all.

A good percentage of former consisted of sports in the form of, say, precarious, but always ready to remind exceptional performance, in terms of particular difficulty (do not you remember? Against ...., I made an entry ankle .....! He hit that like crazy!).

Besides these, there were also ex-of the leagues most recent and most important, and then physically still performing, as still active, for positions within the Parma at that time or other teams. It was difficult to involve them to participate, together, in meetings with other teams of their former players. Sure, they had to live with these meetings and to coincide with their core business.

Initially it was thought to Futsal.

The FIGC, National Amateur League, since 1996, organized the National Veterans Championship five a side football for "over 35" was attended by twenty teams (A and B), north, center and south, which were divided into three groups of six teams each. The first two, plus any repechage, passed in the final round, to be played in places from year to year, different.

Our team, initially driven by great enthusiasm, he participated in several finals: in 1998 in Palermo, Catania in 1999, Formia in 2001, and in Rome in 2004. The opponents were the same as always, only a few gray hairs and a few kg. in most, but the determination was always the same.

Then the situation changed: the commitment of the individual are no longer allowed, mainly for reasons related to work, di essere disponibili, come prima, a trasferte in giorni festivi o prefestivi, in contrasto, ovviamente, con i rapporti con le altre realtà di vita quotidiana (familiare e professionale).

Di conseguenza questa attività non è più potuta proseguire.

Calcio a undici

I contatti con gli altri club per il calcio a cinque hanno fatto sì che arrivassero inviti a partecipare a incontri tra squadre a 11, composte sempre da giocatori over 35, e, successivamente, a mini tornei, organizzati per ricordare avvenimenti e situazioni particolarmente significant.
The problems inherent in these meetings have always been the same: search, find, availability, in addition to the organization. Several former remained in the game, with different positions (technicians, coaches, observers and executives), which involve mostly on weekends, while others, by contrast, entered the world of traditional work, are free on Saturday and Sunday.

This situation is making it difficult for our participation in these events, because of shortage of men, and it's really a shame, because these meetings, held under the sporting aspect, so gentle and fun, give much, Specifically, the human side, for it is always pleasant to meet with old friends or adversaries, now that there is a unique achievement by all the teams: the fun, and for those that run on the field, and for those who, now, assist, and all aware, however, that the day will end with the feet under the table.

However, still, we have two or three annual events that we observe, with great commitment by the organizers (and researchers). Usually we carry the referee (the famous Alberto Michelotti), with the hope, often ignored, to win a game.

The partners with whom we maintain constant relations are Atalanta, the Bolzano (Don Bosco), Ravenna and La Spal

Memorial Mongardi

With Ravenna, in particular, we have an ongoing relationship, developed over time, as some players have played Parma, and left good memories, in both teams

Ever when we made the first contact as an association, there was a common desire to share some initiative. E 'was born the idea to organize a mini-tournament "over 35" to four teams, and dedicated to the memory of a player, Lucio Mongardi unfortunately died prematurely, that dress is the crusade that the red and yellow jersey. As he also played for Atalanta and Spal, and both have become available to participate, we have reached the number of teams needed.

The first tournament was held in Osterley (FE) in 2004, the second in 2005 in Bergamo and the third time it was played in 2006 in Collecchio (PR), the location of the sports center of Parma, the City with the Councillor for Sport, Franco Ceccarelli, has kindly made available to the field sportivo centrale; inoltre, sempre a Collecchio, l'Associazione Sportiva "Il Cervo" ci ha fornito il supporto necessario per la parte conviviale (ad entrambi rinnoviamo i ringraziamenti; è stata una bellissima giornata). La quarta edizione è stata organizzata dal Ravenna nel 2007

Il ciclo si sta ripetendo e la memoria continua.

7 settembre 2008

In questa giornata abbiamo avuto pleased to participate in the event of the City of Parma, with whom the old football field in San Lazzaro (known as Federal Ex) was dedicated in memory of a former Gialloblu (in Serie A with Genoa), his friend Aldo , one of the founders of our club. He and his family have always lived in this neighborhood, known and well liked by all, this award was a further sign of respect and esteem rightly assigned to it.

me to remember how we held a mini-tournament, for boys born in 1997, with the participation of four well-known clubs in the city, the Arsenal, the Bold, the Virtue of St. Lazarus and St. Leo each with a team and a five to nine players. All formations have dealt with joy and commitment, backed by supporters of their parents and friends.

At the end of the tournament there was the official inauguration of the plant, in the presence of Aldo's wife, Dolores, son of Roberto, the representatives of the town of Parma, the Councillors Vittorio Adorni, Giampaolo Lavagetto and Claudio Monteverdi, Ettore Manni for the Province, Mr Mauro Libe and the President of the Ljubljana District San Lazzaro, Mirella Casoni, the blessing of the plant was made by Monsignor Nando Azzali.

After the awards ceremony took place teams, followed by a buffet for the participants.

Again we extend a heartfelt thanks to those present, and, in particular, representatives of institutions, clubs and all the boys.

thank my friend Claudio Carra for the assistance provided us by le immagini della storia del Parma Calcio.