Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Il 31 marzo 2011 si svolgerà presso la sede di Lavinio dell’Istituto Alberghiero “Marco Gavio Apicio”, la III Edizione della Coffee Competition, intitolata a Martina Forino, allieva dell’Istituto prematuramente scomparsa. Quest’anno lo scopo della manifestazione sarà quello di valorizzare la creatività degli alunni degli Istituti Alberghieri, cimentandosi sul tema del caffé abbinato alla pasticceria. Infatti, sin dallo scorso anno nella parte pratica della gara è stata inserita una sezione pasticceria. Gli allievi di sala hanno gareggiato preparando bevande a base di caffè e derivati, mentre gli allievi di cucina si sono cimentati nella preparazione d’ottimi dessert a base of coffee. Two students from each school participating competitors, the head teacher and two teachers. A little 'history. The first year the competition was addressed only to the third class of Marco Gavio Apicius. Then, by the will of the teachers, always ready to give new ideas to their students, it was decided, in agreement with the sponsor, to expand the event to the Institutes in Rome and province. Last year was attended by 6 to 9 schools. Encouraged by the success achieved and to reiterate the concept that you can always do better, it was decided to extend this year's competition to all institutes of the Region of Lazio. The competition is usually divided into two phases: the morning action theoretical and practical demonstrations on afternoon. This year we wanted to give a different cut. The morning will still be devoted to the theory, but it will be a "theory" very unique and interactive. Separately, in fact, the institutional interventions, will be given particular emphasis on space and a trainer CUBACAFE 'which will show the students what can be achieved with COFFEE ART. After the delicious lunch prepared by teachers and students of the school, will move to the practical part. The Institute of Anzio, a duty of hospitality, participate out of competition. The sponsor, as usual, has done both for the first prize winners in each section for the school. Just the increased importance of the event has meant that the event received the patronage of the Municipality of Anzio, the Province of Rome and the Lazio Region. In addition to students, school authorities and civilians, the event will also take part representatives of major companies in the universe revolve coffee.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Decorate Cheesecake For Wedding

Anzio: Carnival 2011.

The Department of Tourism in Anzio has called the program relating to activities organized during Carnival, which from Thursday 3 to Sunday, March 6 will enliven the downtown parades, competitions, children's entertainment, music, dancing and entertainment. An Agenda - says the Head of Culture, Sport and Tourism, Umbarto Succi - devoted primarily to children, even if concentrated in a few days because of the strict stability pact, provides the entire series of events involving organized with the associations of our country. "
THURSDAY 'March 3 :
FRIDAY 'March 4 :
H. 16:30 - CARNIVAL IN MEDIA LIBRARY - Villa Adele, Viale Paolini 6;
Saturday, March 5 :
H. 15.00/18.00 - PIAZZA PIA:
· COMPETITION "THE MASK PIU 'BELLA" by the Pro Loco Porto of Anzio. For registration, please contact "The Bazaar" by Ennio Colantuono, Piazza Pia 21.
· Child /
· ; Train carnival through the streets of downtown
Sunday, March 6 :
h. 15.00/18.00 – PORTO E CENTRO CITTA’- SFILATA DI CARNEVALE  a cura di: Angelo Biondo Dance – Crazy School – CST Danza – Danza Fuoricentro – Hip Hop Dance – Nuova Arte Danza – Nuova Dimensione Danza.

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Anzio: The Gardenia AISM, 5-6/3/11.

Torna sabato 5 e domenica 6 marzo "La Gardenia dell'AISM" il tradizionale appuntamento primaverile di raccolta fondi promosso dall' AISM – Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla e dalla sua Fondazione ( FISM ).  In oltre 3.000 piazze italiane, AISM volunteers, distribution - for a minimum donation of € 13 - planting gardenia symbol of women together to win multiple sclerosis. Specifically "The Gardenia AISM" said one of the most important projects of our Association: Women over the MS, including information activities and services designed to help women with multiple sclerosis in different spheres of social life and family. P roprio to be closer to women, our appointment is renewed every year on the day they are celebrated: March 8 - International Women's Day - in which our Association has wanted to add a new meaning di solidarietà, dalle donne per le donne.  Vi aspettiamo sabato 5 e domenica 6 marzo ad Anzio a Piazza Pia .  Se vuoi essere anche tu un volontario AISM in occasione delle manifestazioni nazionali di raccolta fondi chiamaci allo 064743355 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     oppure inviaci una email all’indirizzo:
FINO AL 13 MARZO INVIA UN SMS AL 45509 dona 2 euro con cellulare personale TIM, VODAFONE, WIND, 3 e COOPVOCE, e per ogni chiamata allo stesso numero da INFOSTRADA; oppure 2 o 5 EURO chiamando lo stesso numero da telefono di rete fissa TELECOM ITALIA e FASTWEB.

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Anzio: Natuzza Evolo, the miracle of life, 5/3/11.

E’ prevista per sabato 5 marzo alle ore 17.00 , presso l’Aula Magna del Chris Cappell College di Anzio, la presentazione del libro scritto da Luciano Regolo, edito da Mondatori,  “Natuzza Evolo, il miracolo di una vita” giunto, in poco tempo, alla  quattordicesima edizione. La presentazione dell’importante pubblicazione, more dedicated to the "great Catholic mystic" of our times, will be cultural, sociological and spiritual. The meeting, moderated by journalist Cecilia Rai Primeraro (Porta a Porta), will also address religious authorities, political, civil, and several representatives from the world of culture. After the greetings of the Mayor of Anzio, the event will be shown by Adriana Notari, president of the Christian Cappelluti Foundation Onlus, followed by speeches by HE Archbishop Giovanni D'Ercole - Auxiliary Bishop of L'Aquila, Cordiano Father Michael - Father's spiritual Natuzza, Senator Candido De Angelis , prof. Fabio Valentini - ID Cardiologist and author of the book, dr. Luciano Regulus. During the presentation will be shown new images and short movies about the life of Natuzza Evolo known for his charisma and his benefits in favor of the community. "Natuzza Evola, born in Paravati ( VV) in 1924 and died on 1 November 2009, was known for over 60 years for his gifts (the stigmata, the bi, the emografia, foresight, healing unexplained), and around him was born a center of pilgrimage. For decades it has received thousands of people from around the world, came to meet her. In many witnesses have received graces and benefits, if not miracles. " About the author: Luciano Regulus, who was born in Catanzaro in 1966, he graduated in Political Sciences at LUISS in Rome, specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication at the same university. A professional journalist has worked for several magazines including "La Repubblica", "Today" and "Chi". Expert royalty, is the author of four books: The Queen misunderstood (three editions, translated into French by Editions Racine), the king lord , The princess and holy Jelena , biographies of Maria José, Umberto II, Maria Cristina and Elena di Savoia, published by Simon .

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Will Cotton: A Cotton Candy Café littéraire

Io amo lo zucchero filato ^_^ 
Non tanto mangiarlo quanto vederlo! Vedere queste soffici nuvolette colorate, dai colori pastello, bianche, rosa e azzurre, è davvero una delizia per i miei occhi... *_* 
Quindi potrete ben immaginare come sono rimasta affascinata nel vedere per la prima volta le opere di Will Cotton!
Credo che affascineranno anche voi! Chi non ama  i dolci? ^ _ ^
New York artist Will Cotton was born in Melrose, Massachusetts, in 1965 has made sweet her art, its purpose seems to be to play in painting, "the scent of food" or trying to make them as close to reality, facendocene perceive taste.

Chocolate wave

The effect is no doubt (at least in my opinion) very successful, his works are certainly tasty.
His world is peopled by women looking buttery and creamy (Almost like a dessert), surrounded by clouds of soft pink cotton candy, the landscapes painted by mountains of cookies, gingerbread houses lakes of melted chocolate, ice cream, macarons, giant lollypop and candy.

Candy curls



Consuming folly

cotton candy cloud

 Ice cream cavern

 Ice cream cavern 2



  Cracked house



Chocolate forest

Molases swamp 2

  Pudding flood

Spumoni river

  custard cascade


Kiss me

Endless winter

  Cotton snow

White Christmas

Will Cotton is not only a painter, sculptor and designer, but also a great baker, the inspiration for his works is born in the kitchen!

Cotton prepares himself sweets, then using these as models for his paintings, his studio is in fact equipped with an oven, which seems to have been in occasionally open to the public. ^ _ ^


Cake tower



Will Cotton is known to the general public (though perhaps some of you do not know), but all you've probably seen his work, in fact the artist has worked with the famous singer Katy Perry is to the cover of his album,

cover album "Teenage Dream"

as well as video "California Gurls," the first single taken from ' album, which Cotton was the artistic director.

image taken from video "California Gurls"

Cotton Katy Perry has chosen as his model for other work.

Cupecake Katy

Katy Crown Candy

The collaboration between the two took place in a very spontaneous manner.

The Perry, former fan of the artist, Cotton had approached to buy one of his works, and was so impressed by their meeting by asking him to collaborate on the cover of "Teenage Dream".

"The day I discovered the art of Will Cotton - Katy says - the first thing I wanted was thrown in his magical world soft. I can say more than a fan since I'm honored and happy with the work he did for the cover of my record.
Will has a heart of gold and has always been proactive and full of ideas. I hope for a new partnership together. "
"My collaboration with Katy - Cotton said - was born from a mutual admiration. I am happy that my paintings were the inspiration for this video.
The My job is to create a utopia where all wishes are always carried out but where the pleasure and charm can become dark and anti-utopian.
Katy embodies the archetypes that seek in subjects of my paintings. It was thrilling to work with her and see how it was able to give my life to landscapes. "

Who would not want to be portrayed as Katy Perry on a soft cloud of cotton candy? Or simply give us a rest?
Siiiii ^ _ ^ I
Wishing you a sweet, soft and saccharine evening I leave you, the next hello to all! ^ _ ^

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Age Of Empire 3 No Cd 1.07

World - "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" by Paolo Giordano

step for you readers of the New Café littéraire! Sit back, enjoy your coffee and good book! ^_^


Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Anzio: Filippo La Mantia and caterers of Anzio and Nettuno for Unicef.

The setting was the beautiful room of the Paradise Spring sea stars caterers in the kitchen of Anzio and Nettuno: Good taste in Alceste, The Grecale, Peter, Port of Anzio and Romulus to the port of Anzio and Nettuno Hunters and chef Filippo La Mantia. The room was assigned to the boys of the Hotel Anzio coordinated by prof. Ambrosino and Stigliano. For the second consecutive year the Rotary Club of Gulf Anzio Anzio - Nettuno, this year in collaboration with the Rotary Club Roma Sud, has combined good food to an important charity initiative interanzionale. Last year the proceeds from the gourmet meal was donated to AMREF and used for the construction of a well in Tanzania. This year the initiative will support the project "Stop Malaria Guinea" in partnership with Unicef \u200b\u200bItaly. The project involves the purchase and distribution of mosquito nets treated with insecticide especially to protect children, at night, from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. The menu has wanted to highlight in particular the poor fish, the linchpin of the kitchen of our coastline. On the table, elegantly set with magnificent sea-inspired centerpieces provided by one of the sponsors, have been served: Warm sea with diverse variety of vegetables and the famous caponata Filippo La Mantia , the old fisherman soup with fish broth forgotten and broken pasta; Vialone nano with saffron, seafood and texture of artichoke; Ravioli stuffed with pecorino romano and rock fish soup and barbed "Mazzamuto. At the end of the evening, the president of the Rotary Club of Gulf Anzio Anzio - Nettuno Mr. Berardi, and the President of the Rotary Club Roma Sud Mr. Mannucci, presented a plaque of recognition to caterers and the Dean of the Hotel prof. Bevilacqua. A greeting was addressed to those present by the Association. tourism to the town of Anzio, Succi. The dinner, pleasant and elegant, ended with a very sweet dessert variation: Sweetness and generosity go hand in hand. The work of the boys dell'Alberghiero was particularly appreciated by Filippo La Mantia who invited the school to visit his restaurant in Rome.

White Dogs Getting A Bath

the Iris: The flowers of snowdrops

Iris : Most commonly Conoco as the gladiolus or iris, is the symbol of the city of Florence under the so-called "Florentine lily ". It 's a beautiful flower with many colors. The name comes, in fact, iris (which seem to come out with olori dal'arcobaleno). For this reason Irsi is a symbol of joy, hope and good news.