Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yellow Thing Antibiotics Gum

Finalmente passa questo 2010... che posso ora dire è stato uno degli anni più brutti che riesco a ricordare!
Costellato da tanti piccoli avvenimenti dolorosi e angoscianti, per me e per chi mi sta accanto.
Insomma è iniziato male, ed è finito peggio >_<
E  se fino a qualche months ago, this year I would have said "was bad but everything has gone without a trace," now I can not say more because he left the track, unfortunately, and it is a dark spot, nerinssima, I do not know how long will it to go away ... that is, the stain will always see, but I hope that one day you will be able to watch without shedding too many tears, and perhaps with more smiles.
I found a letter some time ago and I would like to dedicate to my love can be so strong ... at least a little.
I know you probably do not need anything, but it is beautiful, and says phrases that can be comforting.

"Death is not nothing" Henry Scott Holland
Death is nothing.
are just past the other side:
like I'm hiding in the next room.
I am I and you are you.
What were the first for each other we still are.
Call me with the name I've always given; you are familiar.
Talk in the easy way you always used.
not change the tone of voice,
not take the air solemnity or sorrow.
Continue to laugh at what made us laugh,
of those little things so that we enjoyed together.
Pray, smile, think of me!
My name is always the first word family:
be spoken without the slightest trace of shadow and sadness.
Our life and retains the meaning it has always been:
is the same as before, there is a continuity that does not break.
Why should I be out from your thoughts and your mind,
because I am out of sight?
are not far away, on the other side are just around the corner.
assured, all is well.
find my heart, if you find yourself the tenderness purified.
Wipe your tears and do not cry,
if you love me: your smile is my peace.


I wish all the people who are near me, and I love that next year is beautiful, or at least peaceful!
Merry anno a tutti!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Invitation To A Church Anniversaryfree

Heilà lettori XD
Natale è passato :( come lo avete trascorso? Spero bene.
Io bene, senza il mio love però T_T aspetto con ansia il giorno in cui potremmo festeggiarlo tutti assieme ^_^
I'd prepare a nice dinner with the table prepared to perfection as I like it!
Involve everyone in the preparation, because (at least I) do these things I enjoy in a world XD
All singing Christmas songs *___* and sipping chocolate liqueur: P
And you? What good have you prepared? Or for those not so close to the kitchen, something you ate?
I helped my father with the starters, here's what my hands "scones" (as says my piccopì) have created ...

Tartine con formaggio fresco, decorate con roselline di salmone affumicato, gamberetti e foglioline di rucola U_U

Rustici misti: quelli piccoli sono ai wurstel quelli triangolari con sottiletta e prosciutto :P
Poi ho fatto anche la crema da servire con il pandoro, a mezzanotte ovviamente.
Dopo la mezzanotte come tradizione lo spacchettamento dei regali! ^O^
Noi usiamo aprirli a turno, per far durare il tutto più a lungo, e per non perderci nessuna espressione, nè di stupore, nè di felicità nè (se dovesse unfortunately happen) disappointment.
Among the gifts received, more than any one surprised me, because I had already lost hope to have it ... and then camouflaged with a package inside the sweater, x give the whole look soft, (so I thought it was a sweater) ... here comes out a pink card with a cute and well-known big face ...

With all the cardboard, with a lot of money XD oh well ... no point in pretending I knew him so well!

I was told that had finished everywhere, and instead the per me lo avevano preso già ^^
Anche se mio padre ha ammesso di aver girato ovunque per trovarlo ^^
Ecco a voi una simpatica diapositiva della mia espressione quando l'ho visto.

E' carinissimo! anche la scatoletta è stupenda *_*
Prorio così!!! Io non ho bisogno di regali super costosi o preziosi! Basta una cosa carina a stupirmi e a farmi venire gli occhioni lucidi. 
A voi cosa ha fatto emozionare tra i pacchetti aperti?
Se volete scrivetelo pure!

Nel periodo natalizio then I always want to see a lot of cartoons, and cartoons christmas!
Today on YouTube a broadcast "Sleeping Beauty" is not remembered for next to nothing, that I remembered a little different story, next Sunday will send Snow White!
But I want to read lots of stories, the original ones, I have to catch up on some 'book I read when I was tiny!
In the afternoon I saw the animated film Christmas Carol
Here's the trailer:

too dark for my taste, even the good guys have bad expression, and the three spirits are annoying to me!
The first is a candle from the face and spoken antipaticissima, the second a laugh from the big man that gives you practically on my nerves! >___\u0026lt;''
And the third is death, and there's a long scene and lucubre tracking, which could spare for me, they made it just to see the stunts that now manage to Compuer get through the graphics.
I still prefer the far less gruesome and more "cute" to mouse.
Here I put everything here so I can see him whenever you want ^ __ ^

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Other mini cardboard often did during Christmas when I was small, was, I do not know if you've ever seen, that of a mouse that looks forward midnight and the arrival of Santa Claus, and try to keep awake all the way XD
Con la musica, preparandosi un tazzone di caffè, ma alla fine proprio a mezzanotte si addormenta... poverino T__T
Era proprio tenero. 
Vedo se lo trovo anche se non so proprio come cercare...
Siii trovato! Ringrazio piccopì che ricordava il nome!
Si chiama "Bedtime for sniffles" eccolo qui per voi!!! Guardatelo dura poco ed è dolcissimo! *_*

Cercando questo ne ho trovati altri carini che trasmettevano più o meno nello stesso periodo! 
Come erano beautiful cartoons than once * __ * that melancholy!
Well it's late! Dreams cuddly at all ^. ^

Saturday, December 25, 2010

What Do Americans Think Of The British

Merry Christmas to all !!!!!

I write only to wish you a Merry Christmas to all my readers!

you again soon for updates ^ _ * Christmas
I say only that the various gifts I had a little surprise that I was not expecting and that left me very happy!
Good night and sugary dreams ^ ^

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hiv Free Certificate Training

Beautiful Shell House

Hello to all readers who happened to be reading this blog (if you want to discuss is not a crime as well ... ^ ^ ° )
Today I want to show those who do not already know it, a wonderful house *___* I've seen a few months ago browsing through the sites of architecture and interior design.
I was immediately impressed (and I'm sure will hit you too, because they can like it or not, depending on your taste, but certainly can not go unnoticed) and I could not save in my pc all the pictures that I found ^ __ ^
I really like, that I'd love to live there!!
reminds me of the homes of elves or fairies that you see on the books of fairy tales or in cartoons, it would be wonderful to get up in the morning and be in a place "enchanted" and this house is just magical in my eyes in disbelief.

Vision daytime

Night Vision
The house from what I understand has been made per un famoso giocatore di cricket indiano, Sachin Tendulkar (fortunatissimo :Q__) ed è situata in messico e pensata dall'ingegnoso architetto messicano Javier Senosiain
Le linee e i colori della sua architettura rimandano immediatamente (almeno per quanto mi riguarda) a quella del celebre Antoni Gaudì.
Guardando le foto della Shell House ho subito pensato al Parc Guell 

Parc Guell, Antoni Gaudì, Barcellona

Parc Guell, Antoni Gaudì, Barcellona

Parc Guell, Antoni Gaudì, Barcellona

Parc Guell, Antoni Gaudì, Barcellona
O a Casa Batllò 

 Casa Batllò,  Antoni Gaudì, Barcellona

Casa Batlló, Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona

But back to the Shell House, I show you some pictures of the * ___ *


stained glass windows

dining table

TV room



Lavandino bagno

Rubinetto vasca



Allora... alzi la mano chi vorrebbe viverci!!!
A me personalmente piace l'arredamento moderno, sinuoso si, ma senza troppi ghirigori, ma ad una casetta così non potrei mai dire di no!!!
I feel just a fairy to live in it XD

Well it's all for today! Good night sweet at all!

PS: For the lucky ones who manage to find them ... on sale is the first release of Hello Kitty Bijoux
>__\u0026lt;'' I am not able to find them T_T
I hope you will be more fortunate! ^ _ ^

Monday, December 20, 2010

Non Painful Red Bump On Penis

Santa Park in Finland

now miss very few days remaining until Christmas, and everywhere is a proliferation of markets Christmas, and in the larger cities of real Santa Claus Village ^ O ^

But one of the biggest and certainly the most striking is what is in Lapland, Finland Rova Niem i.

Already by mid-November in Helsinki, a beautiful European capital is characterized by a landscape itself already fabulous thanks to the wonderful northern lights, the stars of the North, and the sparkling air of snow in Finland, will light the Christmas lights and a magical atmosphere of expectation is spreading in the streets.

Like every year, the Santa Park or also known as Santa Claus Village opens its doors from November 28 until January 6.
The village is entirely dedicated to Santa Claus and his elf helpers, could not be born in a better place, in fact Rovaniemi is the capital of Lapland is traditionally the land of Santa Claus.

Inside the village you can find out what is the true atmosphere of Christmas ^ ^ with Santa, his helpers, the laboratories of the elves, carousels, toys, and Christmas and always delicious eateries.
The various attractions of the Santa Park are:
- The Snowland Igloo bar with a welcome drink

- The gallery of shops for Christmas shopping

- The Gallery ice sculptures

- The laboratory of the elves of Santa Claus

- The study of Santa Claus, where to speak with him, and to receive his autographed pictures ^ ^

- The cuisine of gingerbread and biscuits Decorate
- Children's Playground Restaurant
- The performances of the elves
- The post office where you can send the Christmas cards all over the world with the original tone!
- The room where he parked the sleigh of Santa Claus

- Snowmobiling with reindeer or husky

- Plenty of sports (cross country) and snow play

short, a place to visit ^ __ ^ I've seen a short service Saturday to very true and I'm in love * _ * if I can find the videos will load.
Good night and sweet dreams to all cotton candy ^ _-

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Volunteer Work At 15 Years Old

The Little Prince becomes cartoon 3d

And 'one of the most beautiful books ever written, the French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

(full of metaphors and small lessons of life, a sweet children's story of course, but the second me a real life manual for young people) and soon we will see on our screens as a cartoon.
It took three years, 720 sets and 180,200 pages of storyboard to produce "The Little Prince" result of international co-production, which will broadcast a preview Raitre on January 6 at 15:00 ^ ^ O ( I can not wait to see him, although I think that nothing can superare la bellezza di quel libro, bello soprattutto per la sua semplicità).
Non si tratta di un cartone unico ma di una serie di 52 episodi, di cui noi vedremo il primo appunto il giorno della befana, uno special di 50 minuti intitolato "Il Pianeta del Tempo".

Il piccolo bambino biondo, a cui piace far tante domande e che non rinuncia mai ad una risposta, che vive solo nel suo piccolo asteroide in cui può vedere fino a 43 tramonti al giorno, nel libro visita sette pianeti, nel cartone invece ne visiterà ben 24, dal già citato Pianeta del Tempo, a quello dell'Astronomia, passando to that of the books of the Great Fool.

I must admit that this distortion of history gives me already a little disappointed, but we'll see, the rest could not be otherwise identical to the book would be useless to do so, but the total distortions are just nasty to me, why add something special that is already perfect as it is?
We hope this is not the case ... even if it is already seeing the trailer I saw things that I did not at all U_U liked
Well I will not be too critical until you have since at least the first episode, it may be that you leave me amazed and speechless ^ O ^
Here's the trailer for you ...

And remember to keep all children inside, clean, curious and innocent as our prince by the hair the color of wheat.
"All grown-ups were children once, but few of them remember it