Sunday, December 19, 2010

Volunteer Work At 15 Years Old

The Little Prince becomes cartoon 3d

And 'one of the most beautiful books ever written, the French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

(full of metaphors and small lessons of life, a sweet children's story of course, but the second me a real life manual for young people) and soon we will see on our screens as a cartoon.
It took three years, 720 sets and 180,200 pages of storyboard to produce "The Little Prince" result of international co-production, which will broadcast a preview Raitre on January 6 at 15:00 ^ ^ O ( I can not wait to see him, although I think that nothing can superare la bellezza di quel libro, bello soprattutto per la sua semplicità).
Non si tratta di un cartone unico ma di una serie di 52 episodi, di cui noi vedremo il primo appunto il giorno della befana, uno special di 50 minuti intitolato "Il Pianeta del Tempo".

Il piccolo bambino biondo, a cui piace far tante domande e che non rinuncia mai ad una risposta, che vive solo nel suo piccolo asteroide in cui può vedere fino a 43 tramonti al giorno, nel libro visita sette pianeti, nel cartone invece ne visiterà ben 24, dal già citato Pianeta del Tempo, a quello dell'Astronomia, passando to that of the books of the Great Fool.

I must admit that this distortion of history gives me already a little disappointed, but we'll see, the rest could not be otherwise identical to the book would be useless to do so, but the total distortions are just nasty to me, why add something special that is already perfect as it is?
We hope this is not the case ... even if it is already seeing the trailer I saw things that I did not at all U_U liked
Well I will not be too critical until you have since at least the first episode, it may be that you leave me amazed and speechless ^ O ^
Here's the trailer for you ...

And remember to keep all children inside, clean, curious and innocent as our prince by the hair the color of wheat.
"All grown-ups were children once, but few of them remember it


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