Monday, March 14, 2011

Lottery Ticket Scrolls

Anzio: Project Class Astronautics, 25/3/11.

Nell’ambito del Progetto “Astronautica in Classe”, il giorno 25 Marzo dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 17:30, presso l’Aula Magna del Liceo Classico Chris Cappell College, si terrà il settimo e ultimo modulo di carattere scientifico e l’incontro con il Presidente della Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Ing. Enrico Saggese. L’illustre ospite avrà modo di interfacciarsi con i ragazzi illustrando compiti ed obiettivi a medio e lungo raggio dei programmi spaziali che vede l’Italia involved, issues of strategic importance, in addition to the issues already afferrenti that will be the highlight of the project terminal Astronautics Class. There will be teachers of the module and, above all, the Dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering Paul Theophylact, Professor Pearl Fignon, headmaster of the Liceo Classico Cappelluti spouses, supporters of the project and the town of Anzio with 'School of Politics Councillor Marco Del Villano, active participant in many forms; also those who wish to witness the closing ceremony and handing over the certificates to the young students coming to school leaving certificate. On this occasion, will inaugurate the "GROUND SATELLITE STATION ", the earth station installed at the Chris Cappell College, as he says Gen. Anthony Iaria Ing project coordinator" Astronautics Class "which will operate in the VHF (144-146 MHz) and UHF (430-440 MHz) frequencies allocated to amateur radio community and commonly used for communicating with satellites like OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carryng Amateur Radio) and not fitted with equipment similar to those amateur radio. The station's Chris chapel will be a "twin" of renewed Ground Station "spiv" installed at the School of Aerospace Engineering, relying on the latest reliable versions of the same equipment which allowed the GAUSS to control and communicate with their satellites into orbit since 2000. The brain of the station will consist of a PC through the use of specific software used by amateur radio community and dedicated to listening to satellite transmission. The antennas will be mounted on a rotor system that will allow tracking in azimuth and elevation of satellites whose position will be determined by software that work with the orbital parameters provided by NASA and NORAD. The station will also be able to receive packets containing information and telemetry data, and decode them. The chosen cables for connecting the radio and antenna to connect to the engine all offer good shielding of the rotor, the positioning of the antennas was chosen so that they are directly above the premises housing the station, so as to minimize losses due to excessive distance and attenuation of trafficking. The "Satellite Ground Station" is really a feather in the already large garden of excellence present Chris Cappell College. Recalling that young students are the future executives of our country, it is necessary and essential to invest in space research and look with an eye to our planet to better understand our role in the universe and human history of tomorrow.


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