Thursday, March 3, 2011

Phils Games Cube Field


Murioline Hello!
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis post was born just a few minutes ago, thanks to an e-mail that my sister Piccopì sent me on facebook.
course you sent me knowing that I would have drawn inspiration for a post (I know like the back of his hand XD)
And here.
Moments negligible happiness, or rather, who in life had little moments of happiness data by something, some event that another person may instead be considered negligible?
That's what the book is about Francesco Piccolo titled "Moments of negligible happiness."
'remember exactly where we were when I was reading a book. Wandering at night to empty the city in a particular and perfect week of August. Climb aboard and hope not to find someone in their place. The relief of being able to sit while the others pounced on a buffet, because a friend has offered to go get something. Accompany someone you know at an ATM from a life and not feel obliged to take a step back.
Weaknesses, shameful secrets, flashes of joy, pleasures intense, volatile and irreverent. Francesco Piccolo
comprises a mosaic of everyday situations and digressions full of irony and irresistible treachery, fun and wonder. Moments bright, sharp and clear for a catalog of joy of living.

There something Moments of happiness negligible that the reader already knows and finds, and then, with gentleness and wonder, is common.
It 's true because the small step that I read I realize how each of us can identify with one of these moments.

" When I realize that love between two people is a secret.

The fact is that aloe vera.
When the canary died.       
La certezza che non avrò mai più sedici anni.
Il momento in cui finisce il rumore della centrifuga della lavatrice.
Anche il giorno che ho deciso che non avrei più spedito cartoline.
Quando quelli che ti salutano con i bacini ti danno davvero dei bacini con le labbra umide, 
sono molto abile a individuare il momento giusto in cui non mi guardano 
per passare il dorso della mano sulla guancia nel punto dove mi sembra di sentire l'umido.

"Francis Small, insignificant moments of happiness"

What's the canary had done wrong? T__T
Mah ..
also appreciated the film "Amelie" begins by describing the protagonist's little habits, little things that could define the most bizarre, but that made her happy, things like put his hand in a bag vegetables, play to throw the stones into the river and count the jumps, break the crust of the creme brule with a spoon.

E' stata poi effettuata un'indagine su Twitter chiedendo alla gente di raccontare i propri "Momenti di trascurabile felicità"
Ecco alcune delle risposte date:

Arrivare in una nuova città al momento giusto e scoprire che non faceva bel tempo da settimane.

Quando a pranzo trovi inaspettatamente quello che volevi mangiare.

Quando scopri che in rete c'è un altro sconosciuto che la pensa come te.

Quando dopo un litigio mattutino mio figlio adolescente mi saluta prima di andare a scuola e intensamente mi guarda.

Arrivare in ritardo ad un appuntamento di lavoro perché sei entrato in una library.

My boyfriend, who tells me to sleep before the Odyssey in his own way, like a fairy tale.

When the girl who preferred a more ugly you is released.

My grandmother recites poetry when I was a child.

When I'm about to finish a book and actually I would not end.

When the orchestra agrees before the concert.

The applause of the students at school when I was confirmed.

Tennis. Damped. The ball touches the tape twice and exceeds it.

in a crowded room When you realize that he is watching you.

Finding parking in less than a minute on Saturday in the center.

Discover statistics that after we left, she continues to visit your blog in secret ...

Browse by chance an old book and find a Panini as a bookmark.

August: the favorite beach is almost deserted because they were all afraid of the crowd.

When I saw an episode of Scialpi John Derrick.

know that the last successful casino in the office for once you do not have faults.

bite into a sandwich with mortadella after 100 tanks in the pool.

discover that your boyfriend has recovered the night saw the cat left in the afternoon.

When I would not be right and, thank God I did not have.

Svegliarsi pensando di non aver sentito la sveglia e scoprire che si può dormire ancora.

Quando prendi 8 in latino.

Aprire una bustina di figurine calciatori e scoprire che non c'è neanche una doppia.

Il sorriso timido di un bambino, in fila alla cassa del supermercato con la sua mamma.

Riuscire a suonare quel riff di chitarra che ti ha impegnato per 5 anni.

Quando chiudo la telefonata con lui e poi inaspettatamente un secondo dopo mi richiama.

Quando in un romanzo trovo citazioni o riferimenti agli Smiths.

Quando, in aereo, butti un occhio fuori dal finestrino...

Trovare pronta sul luogo di lavoro la mazzetta dei quotidiani la mattina soon.

When you suggest a good idea to a friend.

The smell of a book just bought.

Starting on Monday in the company of the same friends with whom you have concluded the weekend.

"I felt at home when I saw you."

A hot shower after a run in the rain.

think you cheated on your mother's cross-stairs after coming home drunk.

to underline a phrase in a book and find a pencil in his pocket.

The first few minutes in a country never visited before.

When the pigeon "center" who's next.

Find 5 € in my jacket last winter after it is withdrawn from the laundry.

Kiss night before going home.

change country, city, region, leaving everyone behind.

When performed at an intersection, unable to understand who has priority, and do not feel any impact.

Waking up with the feeling of having had a dream.

The first sip of hot coffee in the morning. Especially if I have not prepared myself.

when you draw the beer after work, throwing away the heels.

buy the latest book by your favorite author on the day it leaves.

Knowing that your office is a few meters to the right of the bedroom.

When you realize that your sleep.

My son tells me I'm beautiful even if it rains.

Looking back at photos and remember that despite his age has improved.

When you lose a train that breaks after a few stops.

Now I'll let some of my other hand ...
- The smell of a new book or a newspaper
- Buy something longed
- ready for lunch or dinner to find what you want ^. ^
- Waking up from a nightmare and discover that is all a dream (especially when I dream of being back in junior high and a question of having to pay the terrible French teacher O__O)
- Or when I was still at school, waking up early in the morning and find that it is Sunday and plunge back into the pillow ^ __ ^
- The smell of clean sheets
- See the end result of a finished work and "roll over" XD joy that came from better than expected
- Watching a loved one in the eye and see how much he loves you without the need to say anything
- Being on the bus to return to home watching a beautiful sunset with a cloudy sky pink, wish to have your love next to see the show together, and then receive a messaggio da lui  (che è invece sul treno) che ti dice "Piccina guarda le nuvolette rosa" e commuoverti come una scema.
- Ridere con tua sorella per una battuta che capite solo voi due
- Cercare di far ridere tua sorella nei momenti in cui vuol fare la seria, e sentirsi poi dire "la smetti mi fai sempre ridere" XD
- Mangiare un cioccolatino :P

E tanto altro ancora ....

Vi va di raccontarmene qualcuno dei vostri??? Fate pure ^________^
Vi auguro un milione e più di momenti di trascurabile felicità! Alla prossima :***


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