Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Retirement Annuity

The real reality (point of view of a town of Anzio).

" We wake up every morning, already with the idea that today we face many problems, commitments, concerns, responsibilities, fears that affect our moods, mood, ability to deal with this. Most of the time we manage to make so many trivial problems in psychological disastrous for our peace of mind, even the simple "traffic" becomes a stress "useless", which affects, often in a negative way, the face our daily lives but in the meantime, all traveling at the speed of light, everything changes, even ourselves, and everything happens for the loss of so many values, we are living in a society, we have created, the absurdity of consumerism, transforming us into individual beings. The evolution of technology has helped us a lot of lives, but we refuse to accept most of the time, complicating even more the psychological life and our peace of mind, as with all new things that often do not know, we refuse in advance to try to know most of the time, deny him, because everything is too hectic everything is advertising and consumerism, and there is a true and real information, every new thing takes time and especially educational use, and why our society, regardless of who is the State, the Government, industries or even to the individual if it has no proper organization of information about everything that could make our life easier and quiet. Why all this need will become easier for everyone starting with the look around, stop for a moment from their "individuality" because this is not the real world and only a projection of us that we build a wall around the only purpose in most cases the material well, but this whole fight has become too selfish, refusing to look beyond ourselves, we have forgotten our mother raised us with the value of respect and family, we forget our father who worked a lifetime that we were right " fixed ", we forget about them because we are too busy to meet targets" consumerism, "and they become an obstacle in our frenzy, abandoning them in their loneliness that most often leads to failure of reaction, to take care of themselves, and not be disruptive to "our problems", they get worse, not only psychologically but also physically. Unfortunately with the evolution of the human species have also increased the disease, with a very high percentage of people with disabilities, living in solitude, hardship, and dependency considered absurd for a modern society, but not suitable to their circumstances. As in the "consumer society" even in real life "real" that surrounds us every step there is no real information, which goes to "knock" at the gates making life easier for those who "bought" their physical discounts or psychological. Most of the time the families of needy people become so too, we have to say STOP, la società siamo tutti noi, siamo esseri umani ed abbiamo il dovere verso la nostra specie di aiutarci a vicenda, e non solo pretendendo che lo Stato faccia tutto ma che anche noi nel nostro piccolo facciamo qualcosa, anche la semplice trasmissione d’informazioni che abbiamo possono aiutare tantissimo, cominciando da noi ma anche con i nostri figli educandoli in famiglia ma soprattutto attraverso le scuole organizzando oltre alle gite d’approfondimento storico e culturale anche giornate in compagnia di chi ha bisogno di un bicchiere d’acqua, di sentire una risatina spiritosa di un bambino, di una passeggiata tutti insieme, cercando di integrarci nella stessa realtà perché tutti abbiamo qualcosa da imparare uno dall'altro. La caduta of the Berlin Wall and the liberation from the dictatorial regimes in Eastern Europe, it was good not only for their peoples but also for Italy, where there was no need, bringing the figure of the "Nanny" in addition to ' family qualified assistant, who unfortunately has too little time to address all needs and requirements, not to mention the rights of indigenous people, there are laws and benefits that people do not know, such as Law No 382/70 (blind civil) and the Law 381/70 (deaf) and the Law And Law No 118/71 18/80 (disability insurance), and the Law 68/99 (right to employment for people with disabilities) and the Law 104/92 (for persone con un handicap); articolo n°14 del TU (grandi invalidi di guerra), quindi oltre a queste figure c’è bisogno di una giusta integrazione da parte delle “badanti” assistenti familiari, ma con la giusta preparazione fornita da corsi specializzati, assumendo atteggiamenti coerenti con i principi d’etica professionale, curare l’igiene personale e dell’ambiente, offrire un’adeguata assistenza con modalità corrette di spostamento , nel rispetto dei bisogni e delle condizioni psico-fisiche, assistere la persona nella preparazione e nell’assunzione dei cibi, orientarsi nell’ambiente sociale e istituzionale , favorendo alla socializzazione della persona , osservando e segnalando to basic services, practitioners and family any abnormalities that may occur in the person's circumstances.


Before you begin this journey with the people of the "real" world is important to have self-esteem, this will enable us to actively listen to others, affirm their beliefs , how to refuse to face criticism, take forever, and in any case, the responsibility, make decisions, while respecting their own and others, all have problems in one way or another and no one to be underestimated, but if we catalog them make us conto dei reali problemi della vita potremo dare davvero tanto a chi per un motivo o un altro e stato meno fortunato, affrontando insieme la vita rendendola più serena, più tranquilla e semplice possibile, perché anche la più piccola emozione e VITA e vale la penna viverla!
Janina Eana


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