Friday, February 11, 2011

Bosch Dishwasher Dishes Have Film On Them

Anzio for the 150th anniversary of Italy, 12/2/11.

Prof. Michael Maddalena come to Anzio next Saturday, February 12, at 12.30 at Cemetery Beach Headin località Falasche. L’occasione della visita è offrire un omaggio floreale a tutte le vittime della guerra, in occasione della ricorrenza del 150° dell’Unità d’Italia. Il Prof. Maddalena è già venuto ad Anzio anche in altre occasioni: 2003, 2007, 2009, 2010 portando messaggi di solidarietà e di Pace. La tappa di Anzio rientra nel programma della “Marcia dell’Unità d’Italia”, realizzata in solitaria dal suo stesso ideatore (Michele Maddalena, Classe 1940, socio dell’Istituto Nastro Azzurro). La marca, partita da Trieste il 03/11/2010 ha interessato tutto il territorio nazionale, isole comprese, si concluderà a Torino in Piazza Castello il March 17, 2011, the day of the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the unitary state, for a total of 4215 km divided into 112 steps of daily average length of about 38 km, whereas a day of rest every 10 running. The goal, sponsored by Blue Ribbon, is to spread the message of the culture of Valor, without which the unification of Italy, produced by the revolutions, wars of independence and initiative of many patriots policy who did not hesitate to risk his life to that ideal, would not take place. The walker will bring with him a scroll on which is written a message of unity and the Italian to be signed by all the presidents of the regions visited and which will be delivered into the hands of the President of the Republic at the end of March. Michael Maddalena is a former teacher, history buff, a writer of novels, but also sports a Blue who loves his country and wants, with this and other companies, make a personal contribution to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the Kingdom Italy, which established our national unity after the Second War of Independence and the success of the thousands of Garibaldi. At that time there was still the capital Rome, Venice, Trento, Trieste, Istria and Dalmatia were still under the heel of the Habsburg Empire, but Italy was finally unified. It was not the most was the fall of the Roman Empire. (476 AD). The organs of the press can meet Prof. Maddalena directly pv Saturday, February 12 at the Beach Head War Cemetery at 12.30 and at 17.00 at the Hotel Lido Garda. the morning of Saturday, 9.30 am, the walker will be broadcast live on RAI 1, a service dedicated to the unification of Italy.


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