Saturday, February 26, 2011

Desert Eagle For Sale Uk


Il 31 marzo 2011 si svolgerà presso la sede di Lavinio dell’Istituto Alberghiero “Marco Gavio Apicio”, la III Edizione della Coffee Competition, intitolata a Martina Forino, allieva dell’Istituto prematuramente scomparsa. Quest’anno lo scopo della manifestazione sarà quello di valorizzare la creatività degli alunni degli Istituti Alberghieri, cimentandosi sul tema del caffé abbinato alla pasticceria. Infatti, sin dallo scorso anno nella parte pratica della gara è stata inserita una sezione pasticceria. Gli allievi di sala hanno gareggiato preparando bevande a base di caffè e derivati, mentre gli allievi di cucina si sono cimentati nella preparazione d’ottimi dessert a base of coffee. Two students from each school participating competitors, the head teacher and two teachers. A little 'history. The first year the competition was addressed only to the third class of Marco Gavio Apicius. Then, by the will of the teachers, always ready to give new ideas to their students, it was decided, in agreement with the sponsor, to expand the event to the Institutes in Rome and province. Last year was attended by 6 to 9 schools. Encouraged by the success achieved and to reiterate the concept that you can always do better, it was decided to extend this year's competition to all institutes of the Region of Lazio. The competition is usually divided into two phases: the morning action theoretical and practical demonstrations on afternoon. This year we wanted to give a different cut. The morning will still be devoted to the theory, but it will be a "theory" very unique and interactive. Separately, in fact, the institutional interventions, will be given particular emphasis on space and a trainer CUBACAFE 'which will show the students what can be achieved with COFFEE ART. After the delicious lunch prepared by teachers and students of the school, will move to the practical part. The Institute of Anzio, a duty of hospitality, participate out of competition. The sponsor, as usual, has done both for the first prize winners in each section for the school. Just the increased importance of the event has meant that the event received the patronage of the Municipality of Anzio, the Province of Rome and the Lazio Region. In addition to students, school authorities and civilians, the event will also take part representatives of major companies in the universe revolve coffee.


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