Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Word A Thank You Cards For A Diaper Party

Teru teru bōzu bring me the sun tomorrow ...

Finalmente un po' di sole illumina queste giornate, se pur ancora freddine (soprattutto di sera)  >__< e ci regala un po' di buonumore!
Quanta influenza può avere il tempo sul nostro stato d'animo vero?
Se la giornata è fredda e nuvolosa, io personalmente, ma credo la maggior parte di noi, divento proprio apatica XD
La mia "barra of desire to do "set to zero, but if there is only a bit 'of the sun, even if it is cold all get better.
It must be said however that the cold has its positive sides and desserts.
I love the blankets, scarves, hats, coats and ^ _ ^ ... and what about hot chocolate??: P
Even the rain can get pretty thin when you walk in ... Arm your love ^ _ ^ (for me it becomes very romantic ♥ ♥ _ ), or if you have a beautiful ... umbrella very kawaii not wait to show off! So you will see that you will appreciate the rain!
must find a way to make things less pretty happy too! ^ ^
If the rain just does not digest, or you have a very important event for which you would like a nice sunny day ... there are few things you can do! And I assure the effectiveness of any U_U XD

1) Check the weather
2) Pray, hope and cross your fingers
3) Build your Teru teru bōzu ^ ^

What is
Teru teru bōzu?
The Teru Teru teru bōzu or simply bōzu is a traditional doll from Japanese folklore.
(The've probably seen in some Japanese cartoon, where the characters hang from the windows of their dolls white, like ghosts)

is made of white paper or cloth and is traditionally widespread in rural areas, where was hung from the farmers out of the window.
The doll was used as an amulet to ward off rain and recall the good weather.
The Japanese word " Teru "is a verb meaning" to shine "and" bozu "is the Buddhist Monaco.
Currently the use of the doll is widespread among Japanese children who use it for away the rain, often before a school picnic.
Use of Teru bōzu derives from its ability to frighten Amefushi, the spirit of the rain.
Amefushi is considered an enemy of children because they can not go outside to play.
Amefushi really is not bad, just needs to feel accepted by other children with whom they would like to play, but since it takes away the rain always comes. (T__T but poor Amefushi!)
For this reason, takes revenge by teasing those who chased him. (Rightly U_U XD)
Teru bōzu è protagonista di una famosa e divertente filastrocca giapponese che recita così:

«Teru Teru  bōzu , Teru  bōzu , portami il sole domani. 
Se il cielo sara' sereno come lo sogno ti regalerò un campanello dorato. 
Teru Teru  bōzu , Teru  bōzu , portami il sole domani. 
Se ascolterai le mie preghiere ti donerò del sweet sake.
Teru Teru bōzu , Teru bōzu bring me the sun tomorrow.
If you will be 'Fair will take off his head. "

How to make your Teru bōzu?

The Teru bōzu is constructed by taking the white cloth and holding a spherical object (which will be the head) this will be fixed with a knot, for tightening the neck of the figure. Here, you can draw eyes, nose and mouth. (Her expression is one that you will choose him for you ^ _ ^)

Teru bōzu should be placed outside the window, he scare to death the Amefushi and the sun will shine again.
Poor Amefushi T ^ T do not be too hard with him!

And if it does not work, try to endure the rain!
Good evening to you all! CIAOOO! ^ 3 ^


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